Chapter 9 Hate Crime Data

This data set covers crimes that are reported to the police and judged by the police to be motivated by hate. More specifically, they are crimes which were motivated - at least in part - by bias towards a certain person or group of people because of characteristics about them such as race, sexual orientation, or religion. The first part is key: incidents must first be crimes—specifically, the types of crimes the FBI includes in this data set. Actions motivated by bias that do not meet the legal standard of a crime, or fall outside the specific crime categories covered by this data, are not recorded as hate crimes.

For example, if someone yells racial slurs at a Black person, it’s clearly a biased and racist action, but it wouldn’t be included in this data unless it involved a specific crime like intimidation. Racial slurs alone, without additional criminal behavior, are generally not illegal and thus wouldn’t be reported as a hate crime in this data set. For the second part, the bias motivation, it must be against a group that the FBI includes in this data. For example, when this data collection began in 1991, there was no way to collect information about hate crimes against transgender people specifically. Instead it would be counted in the “Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender, Mixed Group (LGBT) bias motivation. So if a transgender person was assaulted or killed because they were transgender, there would not be a way to count that until 2013 when anti-transgender was first recorded in this data.

In the previous example the offender shouted a racial slur, clear that the actions were motivated by bias. What about a hate crime where there is no explicit evidence of hate? Say, a White man robs a Black man and targets him because he is Black. The offender does not wear any insignia suggesting bias and never says a word to the victim. If the offender is never caught this robbery would not be considered a hate crime as there is no evidence that it is motivated by hate. Even if the offender is caught this would only be considered a hate crime if the police uncover evidence of bias, such as a confession or text messages between the offender and another person explaining why the victim was targeted. I think many - perhaps even most - hate crimes fall into this category. Where it was in fact a hate crime but there is not sufficient evidence - both in terms of evidence the police can gather and even the victim’s own perception - that it was a hate crime.

This data is a more limited measure of hate crimes than it may initially appear. It represents only (some) crimes, motivated by (some) types of hate, that are both reported to the police and where the police have gathered sufficient evidence to determine bias. It is also the data set with the fewest agencies reporting, with most agencies not reporting any hate crimes to the FBI in a given year. This may be true for most agencies as hate crimes are rare and many agencies are small with relatively few crimes of any type reported. However, there is evidence that some agencies that likely have hate crimes still do not report. This leads to gaps in the data with some states having few agencies that report hate crimes, agencies reporting some bias motivations but not others, and agencies reporting some years but not others. While these problems exist for all of the SRS data sets, it is more severe in this data. This problem is further complicated by hate crimes being rare even in agencies that report them. With such rare events, even minor changes in which agencies report or whether victims report the crime to the police can drastically change the reported number of hate crimes. For these reasons I strongly advise caution to anyone using these data.

9.1 Agencies reporting

We will start by looking at how many agencies report hate crime each year. This is a bit tricky since there can be multiple ways to examine how agencies report, and since agencies can truly have no hate crimes in a year it is hard to differentiate the true zeroes from the non-reporters.

Figure 9.1 shows the number of agencies that report at least one hate crime incident in that year. During the first year of data in 1991 there were about 750 agencies reporting and that grew steadily to about 2,000 agencies in year 2000. From there it increased a bit over the next decade before declining to below 1,750 in the early 2010s and rising again to around 3,000 agencies at the end of our data.

The annual number of police agencies that report at least one hate crime incident in that year.

Figure 9.1: The annual number of police agencies that report at least one hate crime incident in that year.

The 3,000 or so agencies that report each year are not the same every year. Figure 9.2 shows the cumulative number of agencies that have reported at least one hate crime between 1991 and 2022. There is a steady growth in the cumulative number of agencies, with about 350 new agencies each year. In each year some new agencies report hate crimes for the first time while some agencies that reported a hate crime in previous years do not report any hate crimes in the current year.

The cumulative number of agencies that have reported one or more hate crimes between 1991 and 2022

Figure 9.2: The cumulative number of agencies that have reported one or more hate crimes between 1991 and 2022

Figure 9.3 puts this into hard numbers by showing the percent of agencies who reported a hate crime in a certain year who also reported a hate crime in the previous year. For most years between 50% and 60% of agencies which reported a hate crime in the year shown on the x-axis also reported a hate crime in the previous year, indicating somewhat high consistency in which agencies have hate crimes.

The percent of agencies that report a hate crime in a given year that also reported a hate crime in the previous year, 1992-2023

Figure 9.3: The percent of agencies that report a hate crime in a given year that also reported a hate crime in the previous year, 1992-2023

Another way to understand reporting is to look at the number of reported hate crimes by state and see which states report and which do not. Figure 9.4 does this for 2022 data by showing the number of reported hate crime incidents by state. Unfortunately what we have done here is basically create a population map, though with California as a clear outlier. Counting up and graphing or mapping the number of crimes is a common first response to getting new data but is not actually that helpful. Here we see that the states with the biggest populations - California, New York, Texas, - have the most hate crimes. To be more useful let us look at state-level reporting after adjusting to the number of agencies in the state and to the civilian population.

Total reported hate crimes by state, 2023

Figure 9.4: Total reported hate crimes by state, 2023

We will start with the rate of agencies reporting though this incorrectly assumes that each agency in the state is comparable. For example, say a state has 10 agencies; one that has jurisdiction over 91% of the state’s population, and nine that have jurisdiction over 1% of the population each. If the one big agency reports and none of the nine do then we will say that only 10% of agencies report data. But this one covers 91% of the state so this is actually great coverage. Conversely, having that one agency not report means that even with the other nine agencies reporting we actually cover less than one-tenth of the state’s population. Still, this is a useful starting point for understanding this data’s reporting and usually answering these kinds of questions requires multiple answers that are all wrong in their own way.

Figure 9.5 shows the percent of agencies for each state that reported at least one hate crime in 2022. In New Jersey, the state with the highest percent of agencies reporting, 39% of agencies reported at least one hate crime. It is neighboring states of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New York have a much lower rate of reporting at 4% (the lowest of any state), 11%, and 14%, respectively. This difference is likely due to a 2019 request by the New Jersey Attorney General to police officers that they To me this suggests that decisions at the state level can lead to drastic changes in reporting rates by agencies, and is a possible solution to low reporting rates.

In 15 states, fewer than 10% of agencies reported a hate crime, and in one state (Pennsylvania) fewer than 5% of agencies did so. One interesting finding from this map is the more liberal states - New Jersey, Washington, California, Connecticut, etc. - have the highest share of agencies reporting a hate crime, indicating that the culture of the state may influence either the propensity of hate crimes, whether victims report, whether agencies report hate crimes, or simply that more hate crimes happen in these areas.

The percent of agencies in each state that reported at least one hate crime in 2022, excluding agencies covered by another agency.

Figure 9.5: The percent of agencies in each state that reported at least one hate crime in 2022, excluding agencies covered by another agency.

To examine how population affects our results, Figure 9.6 shows the percent of each state’s population that is covered by an agency that reported at least one hate crime. Results are similar to Figure 9.5 but now show that there is more reporting than it appeared in that figure. That is because while not all agencies report a hate crime, the ones that do report are generally larger (in terms of population) than the ones that do not. And that is to be expected since smaller agencies will have fewer crimes than larger ones meaning that it is less likely that have a hate crime.

So measuring by population we see that about half of the people in the country lives in the jurisdiction of an agency which reported at least one hate crime. The average state also covers about half of the population in a hate-crime-reporting agency. The state with the lowest population covered is Mississippi with 17% of its residents in a jurisdiction with an agency reporting data; the state with the highest share is Hawaii at 86%.

Is this good? We do not necessarily want 100% of agencies to report a hate crime since not all agencies will experience a hate crime in their jurisdiction. The ideal data set would have all hate crimes reported but without knowing how many hates crimes there actually are we cannot tell how well this data captures hate crimes.

This is also a fairly poor measure of reporting as it just measures agencies reporting at least one hate crime. If an agency had many hate crimes but only reported very few - and here let us think about that as both agencies not knowing a crime was a hate crime and also knowing but not reporting a hate crime - that is also quite bad for our understanding of hate crimes. However, it is far more likely that a hate crime is not reported than a non-hate crime being reported as a hate crime. Since we know the likely direction of any errors we can think about this entire data set as being the lower-bound of hate crime data.

The percent of population in each state in agencies that reported at least one hate crime in 2022, excluding agencies that are covered by another agency.

Figure 9.6: The percent of population in each state in agencies that reported at least one hate crime in 2022, excluding agencies that are covered by another agency.

9.2 Tree of Life synagogue shooting

One way I like to check the quality of data is to see how it reports something that I know occurred. Here we will look at how the anti-Semitic attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh was reported. In October of 2018 the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history occurred at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. There, 11 congregants were murdered, and several other people, including police officers, were injured by the shooter. Yet according to this data, however, those murders never occurred. Not in Pittsburgh at least. No murders with an anti-Jewish bias were reported in Pittsburgh in 2018. Instead, the shooting was reported by the FBI’s Pittsburgh field office, which, like many federal agencies that have offices across the country, is included in the data as its own agency.

This is good and bad. Of course it is good that when a crime happens it is reported in the data. The bad part is that it is counted as hate crimes that occurred in the FBI’s Pittsburgh agency, and not the Pittsburgh Police Department. Most research occurs at the local level - usually studying an agency or county. So if a study is examining agency-level characteristics that are related to hate crimes it would almost certainly exclude these murders as they are reported by a federal agency and not the local Pittsburgh agency.

This also gets complicated as FBI rules say that a crime should be reported by the most local jurisdiction. This is true even when there is overlapping jurisdiction. 11 people were murdered in Pittsburgh, and several Pittsburgh Police officers were injured. That should mean that the crime is reported by Pittsburgh Police, not by the FBI. Pittsburgh does report these murders in their Offenses Known data, making it even more odd that they are Pittsburgh crimes in one data set and not another.61

9.3 Important variables

This data has the standard set of variables describing the agency that is reporting. This includes the agency ORI - which is the unique ID for that agency - the agency name, their state, and the population under their jurisdiction. It then has more detailed information about each crime such as what crime happened, what type of bias it involved, where it occurred, and some demographics of the offender.

9.3.1 Date and time

This data says the exact date that the hate crime occurred on - though not the date it was reported on. Figure 9.7 shows the percent of hates crimes between 1991 and 2022 that occurred on each day of the week. Interestingly, the most common days for a hate crime to occur is on Friday, which is also when non-hate crimes most frequently occur. This suggests that hate crimes do follow the same trends - at least partially - as other crimes.

The day of the week that hate crimes occurred on, 1991-2023

Figure 9.7: The day of the week that hate crimes occurred on, 1991-2023

We can also look at which day of the month is most common, as shown in Figure 9.8. There’s no pattern that I can see other than the the 1st of the most has the most hate crimes and the end of the month has the fewest. Not all months have more than 28 days so it makes sense that the 29th, 30th, and 31st are the least common days. Is the 1st of the month really the most dangerous? I think this is likely just a quirk of the data, and is something we also see in NIBRS data. When an agency does not report an actual date they may use the 1st of the month as a placeholder which then looks to us like the 1st is an especially prolific day for hate crimes.

The day of the month that hate crimes occurred on, 1991-2023

Figure 9.8: The day of the month that hate crimes occurred on, 1991-2023

9.3.2 The bias motivation (who the hate is against)

The most important variable in this data is the “bias motivation” which is the FBI’s term for the cause of the hate. A hate crime targeted against Black people would be an “anti-Black” bias motivation. For the police to classify an incident as a hate crime, and to assign a particular bias motivation, the police must have some evidence that the crime was motivated by hate. The victim saying that the crime is a hate crime alone is not sufficient - though if large portions of the victim’s community believe that the crime is a hate crime, this can be a factor in the police’s assessment.

The evidence required is not major. It includes evidence as explicit as slurs said during an incident and less obvious factors like the crime occurring on an important holiday for that community (e.g. Martin Luther King Day, religious holidays). The FBI also encourages police to consider the totality of the evidence even if none alone strongly suggests that the crime was a hate crime in making their determination about whether the incident was a hate crime or not. This also means that many (perhaps most) hate crimes will not be recorded as hate crimes since there is no evidence that the crime is motivated by hate.

Consider, for example, a person who is biased against Asian people and decides to rob them because they are Asian. This is clearly a hate crime. And say this persons robs 10 Asian people in 10 different incidents, causing 10 hate crimes. All of the victims report it to the police but only two of them tell the police that they think it was a hate crime; the other eight do not think it is a hate crime. Without additional information the police would likely not report any of these robberies as hate crimes. And if all ten of the victims happened to be surveyed about crime victimization, such as through the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey, only two of the 10 victims would report being the victim of a hate crime. Using FBI data the anti-Asian hate crimes would be zero; using victimization surveys would undercount anti-Asian hate crimes enormously. This is the main problem with using hate crime data, even with perfect reporting or surveys of everyone possibly victimized we may still be getting data that is completely incorrect.

In the FBI data bias motivation is based on the offender’s perceptions of the victim so even if they are incorrect in who their victim is, if they intended to target someone for their perceived group membership, that is still a hate crime. For example, if a person assaults a man because they think he is gay, that is a hate crime because the assault was motivated by hate towards gay people. Whether the victim is actually gay or not is not relevant - the offender perceived him to be gay so it is an anti-gay hate crime. To make this even more complicated, the offender must have committed the crime because they are motivated, at least to some degree, by their bias against the victim. Being biased against the victim but targeting them for some other reason means that the crime is not a hate crime.

The biases that the FBI includes in this data have grown over time, with new bias motivations being added in 1997, 2012, 2013, and 2015. Table 9.1 shows each bias motivation in this data, the year it was first reported, how many hate crimes there were for this bias motivation from 1991-2023 and what percent of hate crimes that bias motivation makes up.

To make the most common bias motivations easier to identify, the table is sorted by the frequency of incidents. The “first year” column reflects the first year that the bias motivation was officially recorded, though some biases may have existed earlier but were not yet captured in the data. The last column in this table shows the percent of hate crime incidents from 1991-2023.

This sorting makes it easy to see the most common bias motivations, but that is not actually that useful to most people since we usually care more about a rate than a count. For example, according to this table there were almost three times as many anti-Black hate crimes than anti-Jewish hate crimes, showing that anti-Black hate crimes are more of a problem in this country. But this is not right. We cannot just count of the number of offenses or we risk accidentally just measuring the population of these groups. Black people, for example, make up about 14% of the United States population while Jewish people make up about 2%.62 If we adjust the numbers to equalize population then we see that there is a much higher anti-Jewish hate crime rate than anti-Black rate.

And even this is not that useful since you really need a much deeper dive into the data before pulling out these seemingly simple statistics. For example, maybe areas with more Jewish people have better reporting than areas with more Black people. Or that Jewish victims would report to the police at higher rates than Black victims. Maybe these are both true at certain times between 1992 and 2022 but have changed over the years. It is not hard to think of possible explanations for differences between groups so without running down each of these explanations I recommend caution before putting out even something as seemingly simple at the number of crimes by bias group.

Table 9.1: The bias motivation for hate crime incidents. In incidents with multiple bias motivation, this shows only the first bias motivation recorded.
Bias Motivation First Year Reported # of Incidents % of Incidents
Total 252,093 100%
Anti-Black 1991 84,508 33.52%
Anti-Jewish 1991 31,838 12.63%
Anti-White 1991 28,192 11.18%
Anti-Gay (Male) 1991 24,927 9.89%
Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 1991 16,231 6.44%
Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin 1991 11,899 4.72%
Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) 1991 8,684 3.44%
Anti-Asian 1991 8,088 3.21%
Anti-Multiple Races, Group 1991 5,876 2.33%
Anti-Lesbian (Female) 1991 5,041 2.00%
Anti-Islamic (Muslim) 1991 4,468 1.77%
Anti-Other Religion 1991 3,741 1.48%
Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 1991 2,878 1.14%
Anti-Catholic 1991 1,894 0.75%
Anti-Transgender 2013 1,855 0.74%
Anti-Arab 1991 1,633 0.65%
Anti-Mental Disability 1997 1,439 0.57%
Anti-Protestant 1991 1,389 0.55%
Anti-Multiple Religions, Group 1991 1,352 0.54%
Anti-Physical Disability 1997 870 0.35%
Anti-Sikh 2015 821 0.33%
Anti-Bisexual 1991 684 0.27%
Anti-Gender Non-Conforming 2012 653 0.26%
Anti-Heterosexual 1991 627 0.25%
Anti-Female 2012 539 0.21%
Anti-Other Christian 2015 472 0.19%
Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) 2015 441 0.17%
Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism 1991 218 0.09%
Anti-Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander 2013 198 0.08%
Anti-Male 2013 194 0.08%
Anti-Buddhist 2015 130 0.05%
Anti-Hindu 2015 128 0.05%
Anti-Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon) 2015 118 0.05%
Anti-Jehovahs Witness 2015 67 0.03%

2015 is the year with the most bias additions, as of data through 2022. This year added a number of religions such as Anti-Buddhist, Anti-Sikh, and Anti-Jehovah’s Witness. In 2013, anti-Transgender was added and this is the most common of the bias motivations added since data began in 1991 with 1500 hate crimes between 2013-2023 - 0.62% of all hate crime incidents from 1991-2023. That year also added anti-male and Anti-Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, which is the most recent racial group added. In 2012, anti-gender non-conforming and anti-female were included, while in 1997 both anti-mental and anti-physical disability were added. In part due to having fewer years of data available, these newer bias motivations make up a small percent of total hate crimes.

The original hate crimes - that is, those in the data in 1991 when this data set was released - are far more common. The most common bias motivation is anti-Black at 34% of hate crimes, anti-Jewish at 12%, anti-White at 11%, anti-male homosexual (gay) at 10%, anti-Hispanic at 6%, and anti-ethnicity other than Hispanic (this group means a crime against an ethnic group that is not Hispanic, though it is occasionally reported as anti-non-Hispanic which is incorrect.) at 5%. All other bias motivations are less than 5% of hate crimes and consist of a variety of ethnic, racial, religious, or sexual orientation. Some hate crimes can potentially fall in multiple categories. For example, there is a bias motivation of “anti-male homosexual (gay)” and of “anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, mixed group (LGBT)” so there is some overlap between them. When an incident involves multiple bias motivations we can track that in the data as police can report up to 10 bias motivations per incident. In practice, however, most incidents involve only a single bias motivation.

9.3.3 The crime that occurred

The “crime” part of hate crimes is which criminal offense occurred during the incident. A hateful act where the action is not one of the crimes that the FBI records would not be considered a hate crime. This is likely most common when considering something like a person calling someone by a hateful slur (e.g. “You’re a [slur],” “go back to your own country”, etc.) but where the action is not technically a crime. Another layer of difficulty in using this data is that not all crimes that the FBI includes were initially included when data become available in 1991. Every several years the FBI adds new crimes to be included in this data. Table 9.2 shows each crime in the data, the first year that this crime was reported, the total number of these crimes reported between 1991 and 2022, and the percent of all incidents this crime makes up.63

Each hate crime incident can cover up to 10 different crimes occurring - for example, a person who burglarizes a synagogue and spray paints a swastika on the wall would have both burglary and vandalism reported in this data. With each crime, this data has the bias motivation for that crime, the location of the crime (in broad categories, not the actual location in the city like a street address would have), and the number of victims for that offense. In practice, in most hate crimes with multiple offenses recorded, the bias motivation, location, and victim count is the same for each offense.

Figure 9.9 shows the number of crimes per incident for each hate crime reported between 1991 and 2022. In 96.6% of cases, there is only one offense in that incident.64 This drops sharply to 3.2% of incidents having two offenses, 0.21% having three offenses, 0.019% having four offenses, and 0.002% having five offenses. Even though this data does allow up to 10 offenses per hate crime incident, there has never been a recorded case with more than five offenses. Results are nearly identical when examining the number of bias motivations and locations reported in an incident.

The number of offenses per hate crime incident.

Figure 9.9: The number of offenses per hate crime incident.

Nearly all hate crimes are vandalism/destruction of property (30%), intimidation (30%), and simple assault (20%) or aggravated assault (11%) with no remaining crime making up more than 2% of total hate crimes.

Table 9.2: The offense type for hate crime incidents. In incidents with multiple offense types, this shows only the first offense type recorded.
Offense First Year Reported # of Incidents % of Incidents
Total 252,094 100%
Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 1991 75,524 29.96%
Assault Offenses - Intimidation 1991 75,381 29.90%
Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 1991 50,410 20.00%
Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 1991 28,127 11.16%
Robbery 1991 4,509 1.79%
Burglary/Breaking And Entering 1991 4,023 1.60%
Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 1993 3,010 1.19%
Arson 1991 1,518 0.60%
Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations 1993 1,462 0.58%
Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Motor Vehicle 1993 942 0.37%
Larceny/Theft Offenses - Other 1991 925 0.37%
Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting 1993 853 0.34%
Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Building 1994 685 0.27%
Motor Vehicle Theft 1992 614 0.24%
Weapon Law Violations 1993 501 0.20%
Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug Equipment Violations 1995 403 0.16%
Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game 1997 378 0.15%
Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter 1991 348 0.14%
Sex Offenses - Rape 1991 329 0.13%
Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories 1993 265 0.11%
Sex Offenses - Fondling - Indecent Liberties/Child Molest 1993 265 0.11%
Counterfeiting/Forgery 1993 256 0.10%
Fraud Offenses - Credit Card/Atm Fraud 1995 189 0.07%
Kidnapping/Abduction 1994 173 0.07%
Fraud Offenses - Impersonation 2001 155 0.06%
Stolen Property Offenses (Receiving, Selling, Etc.) 1996 148 0.06%
Fraud Offenses - Other 2016 122 0.05%
Pornography/Obscene Material 1995 89 0.04%
Sex Offenses - Sodomy 1995 86 0.03%
Extortion/Blackmail 1997 77 0.03%
Embezzlement 1995 71 0.03%
Sex Offenses - Sexual Assault With An Object 1996 50 0.02%
Larceny/Theft Offenses - Purse-Snatching 1995 31 0.01%
Larceny/Theft Offenses - Pocket-Picking 1996 30 0.01%
Fraud Offenses - Wire Fraud 2006 29 0.01%
Sex Offenses - Statutory Rape 1999 22 0.01%
Undocumented Code 2018 17 0.01%
Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft Rom Coin-Operated Machine Or Device 1999 16 0.01%
Prostitution Offenses - Prostitution 2001 15 0.01%
Fraud Offenses - Welfare Fraud 1996 10 0.00%
Negligent Manslaughter 1999 8 0.00%
Prostitution Offenses - Assisting Or Promoting Prostitution 2013 7 0.00%
Sex Offenses - Incest 1997 7 0.00%
Bribery 2014 6 0.00%
Human Trafficking - Commercial Sex Acts 2017 4 0.00%
Prostitution Offenses - Purchasing Prostitution 2013 2 0.00%
Human Trafficking - Involuntary Servitude 2021 1 0.00%
Gambling Offenses - Betting/Wagering 2017 1 0.00%

Agencies that report to the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) can also report bias motivations for their crimes, and these reports are included in this data set. One tricky thing is that the crimes included are different depending on if the agency reported through NIBRS or to the data set directly, and are not NIBRS reporting agencies. NIBRS agencies report all of the crimes as the agencies directly submitting SRS data, but have a wider variety of crimes they can report. In practice, however, both NIBRS and SRS reporting agencies can report the most common offenses so there is relatively little difference.

Table 9.3: The number and percent of offenses by bias motivation, 2023.
Bias Motivation Offense # of Incidents % of Incidents
…1 Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 561 19.49%
…2 Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan Assault Offenses - Intimidation 432 15.01%
…3 Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 415 14.42%
…4 Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 284 9.87%
…5 Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 202 7.02%
…6 Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan All Other 984 34.16%
…7 Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan Total 2,878 100%
…8 Anti-Arab Assault Offenses - Intimidation 634 38.82%
…9 Anti-Arab Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 385 23.58%
…10 Anti-Arab Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 308 18.86%
…11 Anti-Arab Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 182 11.15%
…12 Anti-Arab Burglary/Breaking And Entering 21 1.29%
…13 Anti-Arab All Other 103 6.27%
…14 Anti-Arab Total 1,633 100%
…15 Anti-Asian Assault Offenses - Intimidation 2,683 33.17%
…16 Anti-Asian Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 2,067 25.56%
…17 Anti-Asian Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 1,920 23.74%
…18 Anti-Asian Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 803 9.93%
…19 Anti-Asian Burglary/Breaking And Entering 157 1.94%
…20 Anti-Asian All Other 458 5.63%
…21 Anti-Asian Total 8,088 100%
…22 Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 75 34.40%
…23 Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 25 11.47%
…24 Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 24 11.01%
…25 Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism Assault Offenses - Intimidation 21 9.63%
…26 Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism Burglary/Breaking And Entering 14 6.42%
…27 Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism All Other 59 27.09%
…28 Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism Total 218 100%
…29 Anti-Bisexual Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 196 28.65%
…30 Anti-Bisexual Assault Offenses - Intimidation 134 19.59%
…31 Anti-Bisexual Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 93 13.60%
…32 Anti-Bisexual Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 67 9.80%
…33 Anti-Bisexual Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 47 6.87%
…34 Anti-Bisexual All Other 147 21.49%
…35 Anti-Bisexual Total 684 100%
…36 Anti-Black Assault Offenses - Intimidation 30,996 36.68%
…37 Anti-Black Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 24,150 28.58%
…38 Anti-Black Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 15,481 18.32%
…39 Anti-Black Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 10,128 11.98%
…40 Anti-Black Burglary/Breaking And Entering 1,003 1.19%
…41 Anti-Black All Other 2,750 3.23%
…42 Anti-Black Total 84,508 100%
…43 Anti-Buddhist Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 41 31.54%
…44 Anti-Buddhist Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 17 13.08%
…45 Anti-Buddhist Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 13 10.00%
…46 Anti-Buddhist Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 8 6.15%
…47 Anti-Buddhist Burglary/Breaking And Entering 6 4.62%
…48 Anti-Buddhist All Other 45 34.65%
…49 Anti-Buddhist Total 130 100%
…50 Anti-Catholic Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 1,115 58.87%
…51 Anti-Catholic Assault Offenses - Intimidation 213 11.25%
…52 Anti-Catholic Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 97 5.12%
…53 Anti-Catholic Burglary/Breaking And Entering 86 4.54%
…54 Anti-Catholic Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 63 3.33%
…55 Anti-Catholic All Other 320 16.89%
…56 Anti-Catholic Total 1,894 100%
…57 Anti-Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon) Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 51 43.22%
…58 Anti-Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon) Assault Offenses - Intimidation 14 11.86%
…59 Anti-Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon) Burglary/Breaking And Entering 13 11.02%
…60 Anti-Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon) Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 12 10.17%
…61 Anti-Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon) Arson 7 5.93%
…62 Anti-Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon) All Other 21 17.78%
…63 Anti-Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon) Total 118 100%
…64 Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 74 16.78%
…65 Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 49 11.11%
…66 Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 49 11.11%
…67 Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations 41 9.30%
…68 Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) Burglary/Breaking And Entering 34 7.71%
…69 Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) All Other 194 44.02%
…70 Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) Total 441 100%
…71 Anti-Female Assault Offenses - Intimidation 149 27.64%
…72 Anti-Female Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 137 25.42%
…73 Anti-Female Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 69 12.80%
…74 Anti-Female Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 67 12.43%
…75 Anti-Female Sex Offenses - Rape 16 2.97%
…76 Anti-Female All Other 101 18.76%
…77 Anti-Female Total 539 100%
…78 Anti-Gay (Male) Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 7,944 31.87%
…79 Anti-Gay (Male) Assault Offenses - Intimidation 6,771 27.16%
…80 Anti-Gay (Male) Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 4,271 17.13%
…81 Anti-Gay (Male) Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 3,999 16.04%
…82 Anti-Gay (Male) Robbery 1,079 4.33%
…83 Anti-Gay (Male) All Other 863 3.48%
…84 Anti-Gay (Male) Total 24,927 100%
…85 Anti-Gender Non-Conforming Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 150 22.97%
…86 Anti-Gender Non-Conforming Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 104 15.93%
…87 Anti-Gender Non-Conforming Assault Offenses - Intimidation 74 11.33%
…88 Anti-Gender Non-Conforming Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 58 8.88%
…89 Anti-Gender Non-Conforming Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 57 8.73%
…90 Anti-Gender Non-Conforming All Other 210 32.16%
…91 Anti-Gender Non-Conforming Total 653 100%
…92 Anti-Heterosexual Assault Offenses - Intimidation 156 24.88%
…93 Anti-Heterosexual Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 154 24.56%
…94 Anti-Heterosexual Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 116 18.50%
…95 Anti-Heterosexual Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 43 6.86%
…96 Anti-Heterosexual Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 24 3.83%
…97 Anti-Heterosexual All Other 134 21.41%
…98 Anti-Heterosexual Total 627 100%
…99 Anti-Hindu Assault Offenses - Intimidation 39 30.47%
…100 Anti-Hindu Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 33 25.78%
…101 Anti-Hindu Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 25 19.53%
…102 Anti-Hindu Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 8 6.25%
…103 Anti-Hindu Burglary/Breaking And Entering 5 3.91%
…104 Anti-Hindu All Other 18 14.04%
…105 Anti-Hindu Total 128 100%
…106 Anti-Hispanic Or Latino Assault Offenses - Intimidation 5,033 31.01%
…107 Anti-Hispanic Or Latino Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 4,278 26.36%
…108 Anti-Hispanic Or Latino Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 2,994 18.45%
…109 Anti-Hispanic Or Latino Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 2,694 16.60%
…110 Anti-Hispanic Or Latino Robbery 544 3.35%
…111 Anti-Hispanic Or Latino All Other 688 4.24%
…112 Anti-Hispanic Or Latino Total 16,231 100%
…113 Anti-Islamic (Muslim) Assault Offenses - Intimidation 1,808 40.47%
…114 Anti-Islamic (Muslim) Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 1,174 26.28%
…115 Anti-Islamic (Muslim) Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 856 19.16%
…116 Anti-Islamic (Muslim) Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 332 7.43%
…117 Anti-Islamic (Muslim) Arson 61 1.37%
…118 Anti-Islamic (Muslim) All Other 237 5.28%
…119 Anti-Islamic (Muslim) Total 4,468 100%
…120 Anti-Jehovahs Witness Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 22 32.84%
…121 Anti-Jehovahs Witness Assault Offenses - Intimidation 10 14.93%
…122 Anti-Jehovahs Witness Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 9 13.43%
…123 Anti-Jehovahs Witness Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 6 8.96%
…124 Anti-Jehovahs Witness Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 4 5.97%
…125 Anti-Jehovahs Witness All Other 16 23.89%
…126 Anti-Jehovahs Witness Total 67 100%
…127 Anti-Jewish Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 20,381 64.01%
…128 Anti-Jewish Assault Offenses - Intimidation 8,246 25.90%
…129 Anti-Jewish Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 1,665 5.23%
…130 Anti-Jewish Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 471 1.48%
…131 Anti-Jewish Burglary/Breaking And Entering 341 1.07%
…132 Anti-Jewish All Other 734 2.32%
…133 Anti-Jewish Total 31,838 100%
…134 Anti-Lesbian (Female) Assault Offenses - Intimidation 1,684 33.41%
…135 Anti-Lesbian (Female) Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 1,284 25.47%
…136 Anti-Lesbian (Female) Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 1,100 21.82%
…137 Anti-Lesbian (Female) Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 620 12.30%
…138 Anti-Lesbian (Female) Burglary/Breaking And Entering 64 1.27%
…139 Anti-Lesbian (Female) All Other 289 5.74%
…140 Anti-Lesbian (Female) Total 5,041 100%
…141 Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 2,488 28.65%
…142 Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) Assault Offenses - Intimidation 2,122 24.44%
…143 Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 2,104 24.23%
…144 Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 1,027 11.83%
…145 Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 320 3.68%
…146 Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) All Other 623 7.16%
…147 Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) Total 8,684 100%
…148 Anti-Male Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 50 25.77%
…149 Anti-Male Assault Offenses - Intimidation 41 21.13%
…150 Anti-Male Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 21 10.82%
…151 Anti-Male Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 19 9.79%
…152 Anti-Male Burglary/Breaking And Entering 10 5.15%
…153 Anti-Male All Other 53 27.38%
…154 Anti-Male Total 194 100%
…155 Anti-Mental Disability Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 381 26.48%
…156 Anti-Mental Disability Assault Offenses - Intimidation 223 15.50%
…157 Anti-Mental Disability Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 177 12.30%
…158 Anti-Mental Disability Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 147 10.22%
…159 Anti-Mental Disability Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 118 8.20%
…160 Anti-Mental Disability All Other 393 27.35%
…161 Anti-Mental Disability Total 1,439 100%
…162 Anti-Multiple Races, Group Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 2,899 49.34%
…163 Anti-Multiple Races, Group Assault Offenses - Intimidation 1,570 26.72%
…164 Anti-Multiple Races, Group Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 657 11.18%
…165 Anti-Multiple Races, Group Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 415 7.06%
…166 Anti-Multiple Races, Group Burglary/Breaking And Entering 105 1.79%
…167 Anti-Multiple Races, Group All Other 230 3.93%
…168 Anti-Multiple Races, Group Total 5,876 100%
…169 Anti-Multiple Religions, Group Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 793 58.65%
…170 Anti-Multiple Religions, Group Assault Offenses - Intimidation 204 15.09%
…171 Anti-Multiple Religions, Group Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 94 6.95%
…172 Anti-Multiple Religions, Group Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 54 3.99%
…173 Anti-Multiple Religions, Group Burglary/Breaking And Entering 49 3.62%
…174 Anti-Multiple Religions, Group All Other 158 11.68%
…175 Anti-Multiple Religions, Group Total 1,352 100%
…176 Anti-Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 40 20.20%
…177 Anti-Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander Assault Offenses - Intimidation 27 13.64%
…178 Anti-Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 21 10.61%
…179 Anti-Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 19 9.60%
…180 Anti-Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 14 7.07%
…181 Anti-Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander All Other 77 38.94%
…182 Anti-Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander Total 198 100%
…183 Anti-Other Christian Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 238 50.42%
…184 Anti-Other Christian Assault Offenses - Intimidation 80 16.95%
…185 Anti-Other Christian Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 33 6.99%
…186 Anti-Other Christian Arson 28 5.93%
…187 Anti-Other Christian Burglary/Breaking And Entering 25 5.30%
…188 Anti-Other Christian All Other 68 14.4%
…189 Anti-Other Christian Total 472 100%
…190 Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin Assault Offenses - Intimidation 4,131 34.72%
…191 Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 3,378 28.39%
…192 Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 2,343 19.69%
…193 Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 1,164 9.78%
…194 Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin Burglary/Breaking And Entering 190 1.60%
…195 Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin All Other 693 5.84%
…196 Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin Total 11,899 100%
…197 Anti-Other Religion Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 2,111 56.43%
…198 Anti-Other Religion Assault Offenses - Intimidation 746 19.94%
…199 Anti-Other Religion Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 238 6.36%
…200 Anti-Other Religion Burglary/Breaking And Entering 161 4.30%
…201 Anti-Other Religion Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 119 3.18%
…202 Anti-Other Religion All Other 366 9.8%
…203 Anti-Other Religion Total 3,741 100%
…204 Anti-Physical Disability Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 248 28.51%
…205 Anti-Physical Disability Assault Offenses - Intimidation 182 20.92%
…206 Anti-Physical Disability Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 91 10.46%
…207 Anti-Physical Disability Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 78 8.97%
…208 Anti-Physical Disability Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 69 7.93%
…209 Anti-Physical Disability All Other 202 23.13%
…210 Anti-Physical Disability Total 870 100%
…211 Anti-Protestant Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 818 58.89%
…212 Anti-Protestant Assault Offenses - Intimidation 134 9.65%
…213 Anti-Protestant Burglary/Breaking And Entering 93 6.70%
…214 Anti-Protestant Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 72 5.18%
…215 Anti-Protestant Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 64 4.61%
…216 Anti-Protestant All Other 208 14.97%
…217 Anti-Protestant Total 1,389 100%
…218 Anti-Sikh Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 124 15.10%
…219 Anti-Sikh Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 116 14.13%
…220 Anti-Sikh Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 100 12.18%
…221 Anti-Sikh Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations 62 7.55%
…222 Anti-Sikh Burglary/Breaking And Entering 53 6.46%
…223 Anti-Sikh All Other 366 44.56%
…224 Anti-Sikh Total 821 100%
…225 Anti-Transgender Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 610 32.88%
…226 Anti-Transgender Assault Offenses - Intimidation 467 25.18%
…227 Anti-Transgender Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 345 18.60%
…228 Anti-Transgender Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 164 8.84%
…229 Anti-Transgender Robbery 71 3.83%
…230 Anti-Transgender All Other 198 10.65%
…231 Anti-Transgender Total 1,855 100%
…232 Anti-White Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 8,233 29.20%
…233 Anti-White Assault Offenses - Intimidation 6,280 22.28%
…234 Anti-White Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 4,528 16.06%
…235 Anti-White Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 3,811 13.52%
…236 Anti-White Robbery 1,153 4.09%
…237 Anti-White All Other 4,187 14.83%
…238 Anti-White Total 28,192 100%
1 Undocumented Code Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 1 100.00%
…244 Undocumented Code All Other NA NA%
…245 Undocumented Code Total 1 100%
Table 9.4: The number and percent of biases by offense, 2023.
Offense Bias Motivation # of Incidents % of Incidents
…1 Arson Anti-Black 449 29.58%
…2 Arson Anti-Jewish 178 11.73%
…3 Arson Anti-Other Religion 110 7.25%
…4 Arson Anti-Gay (Male) 97 6.39%
…5 Arson Anti-White 96 6.32%
…6 Arson All Other 588 38.75%
…7 Arson Total 1,518 100%
…8 Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault Anti-Black 10,128 36.01%
…9 Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault Anti-White 4,528 16.10%
…10 Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault Anti-Gay (Male) 3,999 14.22%
…11 Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 2,994 10.64%
…12 Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin 1,164 4.14%
…13 Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault All Other 5,314 18.89%
…14 Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault Total 28,127 100%
…15 Assault Offenses - Intimidation Anti-Black 30,996 41.12%
…16 Assault Offenses - Intimidation Anti-Jewish 8,246 10.94%
…17 Assault Offenses - Intimidation Anti-Gay (Male) 6,771 8.98%
…18 Assault Offenses - Intimidation Anti-White 6,280 8.33%
…19 Assault Offenses - Intimidation Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 5,033 6.68%
…20 Assault Offenses - Intimidation All Other 18,055 23.96%
…21 Assault Offenses - Intimidation Total 75,381 100%
…22 Assault Offenses - Simple Assault Anti-Black 15,481 30.71%
…23 Assault Offenses - Simple Assault Anti-White 8,233 16.33%
…24 Assault Offenses - Simple Assault Anti-Gay (Male) 7,944 15.76%
…25 Assault Offenses - Simple Assault Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 4,278 8.49%
…26 Assault Offenses - Simple Assault Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin 2,343 4.65%
…27 Assault Offenses - Simple Assault All Other 12,131 24.06%
…28 Assault Offenses - Simple Assault Total 50,410 100%
…29 Bribery Anti-Black 2 33.33%
…30 Bribery Anti-White 1 16.67%
…31 Bribery Anti-Heterosexual 1 16.67%
…32 Bribery Anti-Arab 1 16.67%
…33 Bribery Anti-Gay (Male) 1 16.67%
…34 Bribery All Other NA NA%
…35 Bribery Total 6 100%
…36 Burglary/Breaking And Entering Anti-Black 1,003 24.93%
…37 Burglary/Breaking And Entering Anti-White 641 15.93%
…38 Burglary/Breaking And Entering Anti-Jewish 341 8.48%
…39 Burglary/Breaking And Entering Anti-Gay (Male) 241 5.99%
…40 Burglary/Breaking And Entering Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 212 5.27%
…41 Burglary/Breaking And Entering All Other 1,585 39.4%
…42 Burglary/Breaking And Entering Total 4,023 100%
…43 Counterfeiting/Forgery Anti-White 103 40.23%
…44 Counterfeiting/Forgery Anti-Black 25 9.77%
…45 Counterfeiting/Forgery Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 21 8.20%
…46 Counterfeiting/Forgery Anti-Catholic 11 4.30%
…47 Counterfeiting/Forgery Anti-Sikh 10 3.91%
…48 Counterfeiting/Forgery All Other 86 33.54%
…49 Counterfeiting/Forgery Total 256 100%
…50 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Anti-Black 24,150 31.98%
…51 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Anti-Jewish 20,381 26.99%
…52 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Anti-Gay (Male) 4,271 5.66%
…53 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Anti-White 3,811 5.05%
…54 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin 3,378 4.47%
…55 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property All Other 19,533 25.87%
…56 Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Total 75,524 100%
…57 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug Equipment Violations Anti-White 131 32.51%
…58 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug Equipment Violations Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 58 14.39%
…59 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug Equipment Violations Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) 26 6.45%
…60 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug Equipment Violations Anti-Sikh 24 5.96%
…61 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug Equipment Violations Anti-Black 19 4.71%
…62 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug Equipment Violations All Other 145 35.96%
…63 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug Equipment Violations Total 403 100%
…64 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations Anti-White 495 33.86%
…65 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations Anti-Black 248 16.96%
…66 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 156 10.67%
…67 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations Anti-Sikh 62 4.24%
…68 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 46 3.15%
…69 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations All Other 455 31.15%
…70 Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations Total 1,462 100%
…71 Embezzlement Anti-White 24 33.80%
…72 Embezzlement Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 9 12.68%
…73 Embezzlement Anti-Mental Disability 6 8.45%
…74 Embezzlement Anti-Black 5 7.04%
…75 Embezzlement Anti-Physical Disability 5 7.04%
…76 Embezzlement All Other 22 31.02%
…77 Embezzlement Total 71 100%
…78 Extortion/Blackmail Anti-Gay (Male) 17 22.08%
…79 Extortion/Blackmail Anti-White 9 11.69%
…80 Extortion/Blackmail Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) 7 9.09%
…81 Extortion/Blackmail Anti-Black 7 9.09%
…82 Extortion/Blackmail Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin 7 9.09%
…83 Extortion/Blackmail All Other 30 38.97%
…84 Extortion/Blackmail Total 77 100%
…85 Fraud Offenses - Credit Card/Atm Fraud Anti-White 57 30.16%
…86 Fraud Offenses - Credit Card/Atm Fraud Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 18 9.52%
…87 Fraud Offenses - Credit Card/Atm Fraud Anti-Sikh 14 7.41%
…88 Fraud Offenses - Credit Card/Atm Fraud Anti-Mental Disability 14 7.41%
…89 Fraud Offenses - Credit Card/Atm Fraud Anti-Black 10 5.29%
…90 Fraud Offenses - Credit Card/Atm Fraud All Other 76 40.23%
…91 Fraud Offenses - Credit Card/Atm Fraud Total 189 100%
…92 Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game Anti-White 123 32.54%
…93 Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game Anti-Black 34 8.99%
…94 Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game Anti-Mental Disability 29 7.67%
…95 Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game Anti-Sikh 28 7.41%
…96 Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 18 4.76%
…97 Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game All Other 146 38.62%
…98 Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game Total 378 100%
…99 Fraud Offenses - Impersonation Anti-White 43 27.74%
…100 Fraud Offenses - Impersonation Anti-Black 23 14.84%
…101 Fraud Offenses - Impersonation Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 23 14.84%
…102 Fraud Offenses - Impersonation Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 11 7.10%
…103 Fraud Offenses - Impersonation Anti-Catholic 5 3.23%
…104 Fraud Offenses - Impersonation All Other 50 32.32%
…105 Fraud Offenses - Impersonation Total 155 100%
…106 Fraud Offenses - Other Anti-White 34 27.87%
…107 Fraud Offenses - Other Anti-Sikh 12 9.84%
…108 Fraud Offenses - Other Anti-Black 12 9.84%
…109 Fraud Offenses - Other Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 12 9.84%
…110 Fraud Offenses - Other Anti-Mental Disability 6 4.92%
…111 Fraud Offenses - Other All Other 46 37.72%
…112 Fraud Offenses - Other Total 122 100%
1…113 Fraud Offenses - Welfare Fraud Anti-White 6 60.00%
2…114 Fraud Offenses - Welfare Fraud Anti-Mental Disability 2 20.00%
3…115 Fraud Offenses - Welfare Fraud Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 1 10.00%
4…116 Fraud Offenses - Welfare Fraud Anti-Arab 1 10.00%
…118 Fraud Offenses - Welfare Fraud All Other NA NA%
…119 Fraud Offenses - Welfare Fraud Total 10 100%
…120 Fraud Offenses - Wire Fraud Anti-White 8 27.59%
…121 Fraud Offenses - Wire Fraud Anti-Gender Non-Conforming 3 10.34%
…122 Fraud Offenses - Wire Fraud Anti-Catholic 2 6.90%
…123 Fraud Offenses - Wire Fraud Anti-Female 2 6.90%
…124 Fraud Offenses - Wire Fraud Anti-Multiple Races, Group 2 6.90%
…125 Fraud Offenses - Wire Fraud All Other 12 41.4%
…126 Fraud Offenses - Wire Fraud Total 29 100%
1…127 Gambling Offenses - Betting/Wagering Anti-Physical Disability 1 100.00%
NA.1…129 NA NA NA NA
NA.2…130 NA NA NA NA
NA.3…131 NA NA NA NA
…132 Gambling Offenses - Betting/Wagering All Other NA NA%
…133 Gambling Offenses - Betting/Wagering Total 1 100%
1…134 Human Trafficking - Commercial Sex Acts Anti-Transgender 1 25.00%
2…135 Human Trafficking - Commercial Sex Acts Anti-Asian 1 25.00%
3…136 Human Trafficking - Commercial Sex Acts Anti-Physical Disability 1 25.00%
4…137 Human Trafficking - Commercial Sex Acts Anti-Black 1 25.00%
…139 Human Trafficking - Commercial Sex Acts All Other NA NA%
…140 Human Trafficking - Commercial Sex Acts Total 4 100%
1…141 Human Trafficking - Involuntary Servitude Anti-Female 1 100.00%
NA.1…143 NA NA NA NA
NA.2…144 NA NA NA NA
NA.3…145 NA NA NA NA
…146 Human Trafficking - Involuntary Servitude All Other NA NA%
…147 Human Trafficking - Involuntary Servitude Total 1 100%
…148 Kidnapping/Abduction Anti-Black 31 17.92%
…149 Kidnapping/Abduction Anti-White 31 17.92%
…150 Kidnapping/Abduction Anti-Gay (Male) 13 7.51%
…151 Kidnapping/Abduction Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 11 6.36%
…152 Kidnapping/Abduction Anti-Transgender 9 5.20%
…153 Kidnapping/Abduction All Other 78 45.08%
…154 Kidnapping/Abduction Total 173 100%
…155 Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny Anti-White 824 27.38%
…156 Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) 320 10.63%
…157 Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny Anti-Black 271 9.00%
…158 Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 202 6.71%
…159 Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny Anti-Mental Disability 118 3.92%
…160 Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny All Other 1,275 42.36%
…161 Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny Total 3,010 100%
…162 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Other Anti-Black 178 19.24%
…163 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Other Anti-Jewish 176 19.03%
…164 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Other Anti-Gay (Male) 84 9.08%
…165 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Other Anti-White 76 8.22%
…166 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Other Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) 62 6.70%
…167 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Other All Other 349 37.73%
…168 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Other Total 925 100%
…169 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Pocket-Picking Anti-Black 8 26.67%
…170 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Pocket-Picking Anti-White 7 23.33%
…171 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Pocket-Picking Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 4 13.33%
…172 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Pocket-Picking Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 3 10.00%
…173 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Pocket-Picking Anti-Physical Disability 2 6.67%
…174 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Pocket-Picking All Other 6 19.98%
…175 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Pocket-Picking Total 30 100%
…176 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Purse-Snatching Anti-White 10 32.26%
…177 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Purse-Snatching Anti-Black 3 9.68%
…178 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Purse-Snatching Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 3 9.68%
…179 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Purse-Snatching Anti-Gay (Male) 2 6.45%
…180 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Purse-Snatching Anti-Bisexual 2 6.45%
…181 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Purse-Snatching All Other 11 35.51%
…182 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Purse-Snatching Total 31 100%
…183 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting Anti-White 285 33.41%
…184 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting Anti-Black 92 10.79%
…185 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 88 10.32%
…186 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting Anti-Sikh 35 4.10%
…187 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin 31 3.63%
…188 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting All Other 322 37.77%
…189 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting Total 853 100%
…190 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Building Anti-White 206 30.07%
…191 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Building Anti-Black 61 8.91%
…192 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Building Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 54 7.88%
…193 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Building Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) 47 6.86%
…194 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Building Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin 33 4.82%
…195 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Building All Other 284 41.49%
…196 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Building Total 685 100%
…197 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Motor Vehicle Anti-White 313 33.23%
…198 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Motor Vehicle Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 102 10.83%
…199 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Motor Vehicle Anti-Black 91 9.66%
…200 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Motor Vehicle Anti-Sikh 43 4.56%
…201 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Motor Vehicle Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 40 4.25%
…202 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Motor Vehicle All Other 353 37.46%
…203 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft From Motor Vehicle Total 942 100%
…204 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories Anti-White 91 34.34%
…205 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories Anti-Black 27 10.19%
…206 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 26 9.81%
…207 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories Anti-Sikh 14 5.28%
…208 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin 10 3.77%
…209 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories All Other 97 36.59%
…210 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories Total 265 100%
…211 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft Rom Coin-Operated Machine Or Device Anti-White 4 25.00%
…212 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft Rom Coin-Operated Machine Or Device Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 3 18.75%
…213 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft Rom Coin-Operated Machine Or Device Anti-Physical Disability 3 18.75%
…214 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft Rom Coin-Operated Machine Or Device Anti-Black 2 12.50%
…215 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft Rom Coin-Operated Machine Or Device Anti-Sikh 1 6.25%
…216 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft Rom Coin-Operated Machine Or Device All Other 3 18.75%
…217 Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft Rom Coin-Operated Machine Or Device Total 16 100%
…218 Motor Vehicle Theft Anti-White 173 28.18%
…219 Motor Vehicle Theft Anti-Black 87 14.17%
…220 Motor Vehicle Theft Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 81 13.19%
…221 Motor Vehicle Theft Anti-Sikh 31 5.05%
…222 Motor Vehicle Theft Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin 25 4.07%
…223 Motor Vehicle Theft All Other 217 35.34%
…224 Motor Vehicle Theft Total 614 100%
…225 Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter Anti-Black 82 23.56%
…226 Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter Anti-Gay (Male) 65 18.68%
…227 Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter Anti-White 52 14.94%
…228 Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 42 12.07%
…229 Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) 16 4.60%
…230 Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter All Other 91 26.14%
…231 Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter Total 348 100%
…232 Negligent Manslaughter Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 2 25.00%
…233 Negligent Manslaughter Anti-Physical Disability 2 25.00%
…234 Negligent Manslaughter Anti-Black 2 25.00%
…235 Negligent Manslaughter Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 1 12.50%
…236 Negligent Manslaughter Anti-White 1 12.50%
…237 Negligent Manslaughter All Other NA NA%
…238 Negligent Manslaughter Total 8 100%
…239 Pornography/Obscene Material Anti-Black 15 16.85%
…240 Pornography/Obscene Material Anti-White 10 11.24%
…241 Pornography/Obscene Material Anti-Female 7 7.87%
…242 Pornography/Obscene Material Anti-Gay (Male) 6 6.74%
…243 Pornography/Obscene Material Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 6 6.74%
…244 Pornography/Obscene Material All Other 45 50.54%
…245 Pornography/Obscene Material Total 89 100%
…246 Prostitution Offenses - Assisting Or Promoting Prostitution Anti-Mental Disability 2 28.57%
…247 Prostitution Offenses - Assisting Or Promoting Prostitution Anti-White 1 14.29%
…248 Prostitution Offenses - Assisting Or Promoting Prostitution Anti-Gender Non-Conforming 1 14.29%
…249 Prostitution Offenses - Assisting Or Promoting Prostitution Anti-Black 1 14.29%
…250 Prostitution Offenses - Assisting Or Promoting Prostitution Anti-Male 1 14.29%
…251 Prostitution Offenses - Assisting Or Promoting Prostitution All Other 1 14.29%
…252 Prostitution Offenses - Assisting Or Promoting Prostitution Total 7 100%
1…253 Prostitution Offenses - Prostitution Anti-White 10 66.67%
2…254 Prostitution Offenses - Prostitution Anti-Asian 3 20.00%
3…255 Prostitution Offenses - Prostitution Anti-Lesbian (Female) 1 6.67%
4…256 Prostitution Offenses - Prostitution Anti-Other Religion 1 6.67%
…258 Prostitution Offenses - Prostitution All Other NA NA%
…259 Prostitution Offenses - Prostitution Total 15 100%
1…260 Prostitution Offenses - Purchasing Prostitution Anti-Asian 1 50.00%
2…261 Prostitution Offenses - Purchasing Prostitution Anti-Heterosexual 1 50.00%
NA.1…263 NA NA NA NA
NA.2…264 NA NA NA NA
…265 Prostitution Offenses - Purchasing Prostitution All Other NA NA%
…266 Prostitution Offenses - Purchasing Prostitution Total 2 100%
…267 Robbery Anti-White 1,153 25.57%
…268 Robbery Anti-Gay (Male) 1,079 23.93%
…269 Robbery Anti-Black 673 14.93%
…270 Robbery Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 544 12.06%
…271 Robbery Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) 215 4.77%
…272 Robbery All Other 845 18.71%
…273 Robbery Total 4,509 100%
…274 Sex Offenses - Fondling - Indecent Liberties/Child Molest Anti-White 62 23.40%
…275 Sex Offenses - Fondling - Indecent Liberties/Child Molest Anti-Black 33 12.45%
…276 Sex Offenses - Fondling - Indecent Liberties/Child Molest Anti-Gay (Male) 32 12.08%
…277 Sex Offenses - Fondling - Indecent Liberties/Child Molest Anti-Mental Disability 18 6.79%
…278 Sex Offenses - Fondling - Indecent Liberties/Child Molest Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 14 5.28%
…279 Sex Offenses - Fondling - Indecent Liberties/Child Molest All Other 106 39.98%
…280 Sex Offenses - Fondling - Indecent Liberties/Child Molest Total 265 100%
…281 Sex Offenses - Incest Anti-White 2 28.57%
…282 Sex Offenses - Incest Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 1 14.29%
…283 Sex Offenses - Incest Anti-Heterosexual 1 14.29%
…284 Sex Offenses - Incest Anti-Lesbian (Female) 1 14.29%
…285 Sex Offenses - Incest Anti-Bisexual 1 14.29%
…286 Sex Offenses - Incest All Other 1 14.29%
…287 Sex Offenses - Incest Total 7 100%
…288 Sex Offenses - Rape Anti-White 83 25.23%
…289 Sex Offenses - Rape Anti-Lesbian (Female) 50 15.20%
…290 Sex Offenses - Rape Anti-Black 46 13.98%
…291 Sex Offenses - Rape Anti-Mental Disability 20 6.08%
…292 Sex Offenses - Rape Anti-Female 16 4.86%
…293 Sex Offenses - Rape All Other 114 34.63%
…294 Sex Offenses - Rape Total 329 100%
…295 Sex Offenses - Sexual Assault With An Object Anti-Gay (Male) 12 24.00%
…296 Sex Offenses - Sexual Assault With An Object Anti-Black 7 14.00%
…297 Sex Offenses - Sexual Assault With An Object Anti-White 7 14.00%
…298 Sex Offenses - Sexual Assault With An Object Anti-Lesbian (Female) 5 10.00%
…299 Sex Offenses - Sexual Assault With An Object Anti-Transgender 4 8.00%
…300 Sex Offenses - Sexual Assault With An Object All Other 15 30%
…301 Sex Offenses - Sexual Assault With An Object Total 50 100%
…302 Sex Offenses - Sodomy Anti-Gay (Male) 27 31.40%
…303 Sex Offenses - Sodomy Anti-White 11 12.79%
…304 Sex Offenses - Sodomy Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Or Transgender (Mixed Group) 10 11.63%
…305 Sex Offenses - Sodomy Anti-Heterosexual 8 9.30%
…306 Sex Offenses - Sodomy Anti-Transgender 7 8.14%
…307 Sex Offenses - Sodomy All Other 23 26.75%
…308 Sex Offenses - Sodomy Total 86 100%
…309 Sex Offenses - Statutory Rape Anti-White 7 31.82%
…310 Sex Offenses - Statutory Rape Anti-Gay (Male) 2 9.09%
…311 Sex Offenses - Statutory Rape Anti-Black 2 9.09%
…312 Sex Offenses - Statutory Rape Anti-Heterosexual 2 9.09%
…313 Sex Offenses - Statutory Rape Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 2 9.09%
…314 Sex Offenses - Statutory Rape All Other 7 31.85%
…315 Sex Offenses - Statutory Rape Total 22 100%
…316 Stolen Property Offenses (Receiving, Selling, Etc.) Anti-White 47 31.76%
…317 Stolen Property Offenses (Receiving, Selling, Etc.) Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 20 13.51%
…318 Stolen Property Offenses (Receiving, Selling, Etc.) Anti-Black 17 11.49%
…319 Stolen Property Offenses (Receiving, Selling, Etc.) Anti-Sikh 8 5.41%
…320 Stolen Property Offenses (Receiving, Selling, Etc.) Anti-Mental Disability 6 4.05%
…321 Stolen Property Offenses (Receiving, Selling, Etc.) All Other 50 33.79%
…322 Stolen Property Offenses (Receiving, Selling, Etc.) Total 148 100%
…323 Undocumented Code Anti-White 5 29.41%
…324 Undocumented Code Anti-Black 4 23.53%
…325 Undocumented Code Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 3 17.65%
…326 Undocumented Code Anti-Catholic 1 5.88%
…327 Undocumented Code Anti-Male 1 5.88%
…328 Undocumented Code All Other 3 17.64%
…329 Undocumented Code Total 17 100%
…330 Weapon Law Violations Anti-Black 179 35.73%
…331 Weapon Law Violations Anti-White 98 19.56%
…332 Weapon Law Violations Anti-American Indian Or Native Alaskan 26 5.19%
…333 Weapon Law Violations Anti-Hispanic Or Latino 26 5.19%
…334 Weapon Law Violations Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, Or National Origin 20 3.99%
…335 Weapon Law Violations All Other 152 30.38%
…336 Weapon Law Violations Total 501 100%

9.3.4 The location of the crime

This data is interesting because it includes the location - in categories for types of places, not actual addresses - of the incident. This is important since the type of location can be a factor in whether the incident is classified as a hate crime. For example, spray paint on a synagogue or a mosque is much more likely to be a hate crime than spray paint on a wall of an abandoned building. Table 9.5 shows the locations of hate crimes, including the first year that location was reported. Each hate crime incident can have multiple locations (up to ten) since each offense can have its own incident, but in most cases (96.6%) a hate crime only has a single location.

As with the crime and the bias motivation, the available locations have increased as time went on, though these newer locations are relatively uncommon. One important change in location is that starting in 2010 the location of “school/college” was split to have one location be for elementary and high schools and another location be for colleges and universities. The majority of hate crimes occur in the victim’s home (30%), on a road or alley (19%), in an other or unknown location (13%), and in a parking lot or parking garage (6%). All other locations occur in fewer than 5% of hate crimes.

Table 9.5: The location of hate crime incidents. In incidents with multiple locations, this shows only the first location recorded.
Location First Year Reported # of Incidents % of Incidents
Total 252,094 100%
Residence/Home 1991 73,887 29.31%
Highway/Road/Alley/Street/Sidewalk 1991 47,006 18.65%
Other/Unknown 1991 32,073 12.72%
School/College 1991 17,679 7.01%
Parking Lot/Drop Lot/Parking Garage 1991 14,389 5.71%
Church/Synagogue/Temple/Mosque 1991 9,454 3.75%
Commercial/Office Building 1991 5,673 2.25%
Restaurant 1991 5,419 2.15%
School - Elementary/Secondary 2010 4,899 1.94%
Bar/Nightclub 1991 4,270 1.69%
Government/Public Building 1991 3,785 1.50%
Convenience Store 1991 3,531 1.40%
Specialty Store (Tv, Fur, Etc.) 1991 2,926 1.16%
Air/Bus/Train Terminal 1991 2,728 1.08%
Service/Gas Station 1991 2,414 0.96%
Park/Playground 2010 2,356 0.93%
School - College/University 2010 2,351 0.93%
Grocery/Supermarket 1991 2,325 0.92%
Field/Woods 1991 2,241 0.89%
Department/Discount Store 1991 2,159 0.86%
Drug Store/Doctors Office/Hospital 1991 2,121 0.84%
Jail/Prison/Penitentiary/Corrections Facility 1991 1,858 0.74%
Hotel/Motel/Etc. 1991 1,738 0.69%
Construction Site 1991 698 0.28%
Bank/Savings And Loan 1991 596 0.24%
Undocumented Code 2016 590 0.23%
Liquor Store 1991 492 0.20%
Lake/Waterway/Beach 1991 436 0.17%
Shopping Mall 2010 325 0.13%
Rental Storage Facility 1991 276 0.11%
Community Center 2013 264 0.10%
Shelter - Mission/Homeless 2011 202 0.08%
Industrial Site 2010 155 0.06%
Arena/Stadium/Fairgrounds/Coliseum 2011 106 0.04%
Camp/Campground 2010 94 0.04%
Auto Dealership New/Used 2011 92 0.04%
Abandoned/Condemned Structure 2011 90 0.04%
Gambling Facility/Casino/Race Track 2010 79 0.03%
Rest Area 2011 68 0.03%
Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal Terminal 2012 55 0.02%
Daycare Facility 2011 52 0.02%
Amusement Park 2011 52 0.02%
Farm Facility 2011 39 0.02%
Tribal Lands 2011 27 0.01%
Atm Separate From Bank 2011 18 0.01%
Military Installation 2015 6 0.00%
Table 9.6: The number and percent of offenses by location, 2023.
Location Offense # of Incidents % of Incidents
Abandoned/Condemned Structure Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 51 56.67%
Abandoned/Condemned Structure Assault Offenses - Intimidation 9 10.00%
Abandoned/Condemned Structure Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 8 8.89%
Abandoned/Condemned Structure Burglary/Breaking And Entering 6 6.67%
Abandoned/Condemned Structure Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 4 4.44%
Abandoned/Condemned Structure All Other 12 13.32%
Abandoned/Condemned Structure Total 90 100%
Air/Bus/Train Terminal Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 1,088 39.88%
Air/Bus/Train Terminal Assault Offenses - Intimidation 588 21.55%
Air/Bus/Train Terminal Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 458 16.79%
Air/Bus/Train Terminal Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 415 15.21%
Air/Bus/Train Terminal Robbery 106 3.89%
Air/Bus/Train Terminal All Other 73 2.7%
Air/Bus/Train Terminal Total 2,728 100%
Amusement Park Assault Offenses - Intimidation 16 30.77%
Amusement Park Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 15 28.85%
Amusement Park Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 8 15.38%
Amusement Park Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 6 11.54%
Amusement Park Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 3 5.77%
Amusement Park All Other 4 7.68%
Amusement Park Total 52 100%
Arena/Stadium/Fairgrounds/Coliseum Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 48 45.28%
Arena/Stadium/Fairgrounds/Coliseum Assault Offenses - Intimidation 24 22.64%
Arena/Stadium/Fairgrounds/Coliseum Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 21 19.81%
Arena/Stadium/Fairgrounds/Coliseum Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 8 7.55%
Arena/Stadium/Fairgrounds/Coliseum Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 1 0.94%
Arena/Stadium/Fairgrounds/Coliseum All Other 4 3.76%
Arena/Stadium/Fairgrounds/Coliseum Total 106 100%
Atm Separate From Bank Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 5 27.78%
Atm Separate From Bank Assault Offenses - Intimidation 4 22.22%
Atm Separate From Bank Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 2 11.11%
Atm Separate From Bank Fraud Offenses - Credit Card/Atm Fraud 2 11.11%
Atm Separate From Bank Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game 1 5.56%
Atm Separate From Bank All Other 4 22.24%
Atm Separate From Bank Total 18 100%
Auto Dealership New/Used Assault Offenses - Intimidation 32 34.78%
Auto Dealership New/Used Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 13 14.13%
Auto Dealership New/Used Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 12 13.04%
Auto Dealership New/Used Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 8 8.70%
Auto Dealership New/Used Larceny/Theft Offenses - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories 6 6.52%
Auto Dealership New/Used All Other 21 22.83%
Auto Dealership New/Used Total 92 100%
Bank/Savings And Loan Assault Offenses - Intimidation 191 32.05%
Bank/Savings And Loan Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 103 17.28%
Bank/Savings And Loan Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 73 12.25%
Bank/Savings And Loan Counterfeiting/Forgery 57 9.56%
Bank/Savings And Loan Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 39 6.54%
Bank/Savings And Loan All Other 133 22.32%
Bank/Savings And Loan Total 596 100%
Bar/Nightclub Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 1,968 46.09%
Bar/Nightclub Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 1,021 23.91%
Bar/Nightclub Assault Offenses - Intimidation 793 18.57%
Bar/Nightclub Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 285 6.67%
Bar/Nightclub Robbery 64 1.50%
Bar/Nightclub All Other 139 3.22%
Bar/Nightclub Total 4,270 100%
Camp/Campground Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 28 29.79%
Camp/Campground Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 20 21.28%
Camp/Campground Assault Offenses - Intimidation 18 19.15%
Camp/Campground Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 12 12.77%
Camp/Campground Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 6 6.38%
Camp/Campground All Other 10 10.61%
Camp/Campground Total 94 100%
Church/Synagogue/Temple/Mosque Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 6,329 66.95%
Church/Synagogue/Temple/Mosque Assault Offenses - Intimidation 1,820 19.25%
Church/Synagogue/Temple/Mosque Burglary/Breaking And Entering 380 4.02%
Church/Synagogue/Temple/Mosque Arson 337 3.56%
Church/Synagogue/Temple/Mosque Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 251 2.65%
Church/Synagogue/Temple/Mosque All Other 337 3.57%
Church/Synagogue/Temple/Mosque Total 9,454 100%
Commercial/Office Building Assault Offenses - Intimidation 2,416 42.59%
Commercial/Office Building Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 1,837 32.38%
Commercial/Office Building Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 722 12.73%
Commercial/Office Building Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 256 4.51%
Commercial/Office Building Burglary/Breaking And Entering 121 2.13%
Commercial/Office Building All Other 321 5.68%
Commercial/Office Building Total 5,673 100%
Community Center Assault Offenses - Intimidation 108 40.91%
Community Center Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 84 31.82%
Community Center Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 44 16.67%
Community Center Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 14 5.30%
Community Center Burglary/Breaking And Entering 4 1.52%
Community Center All Other 10 3.8%
Community Center Total 264 100%
Construction Site Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 390 55.87%
Construction Site Assault Offenses - Intimidation 109 15.62%
Construction Site Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 57 8.17%
Construction Site Burglary/Breaking And Entering 44 6.30%
Construction Site Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 39 5.59%
Construction Site All Other 59 8.45%
Construction Site Total 698 100%
Convenience Store Assault Offenses - Intimidation 1,193 33.79%
Convenience Store Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 956 27.07%
Convenience Store Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 501 14.19%
Convenience Store Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 397 11.24%
Convenience Store Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting 114 3.23%
Convenience Store All Other 370 10.48%
Convenience Store Total 3,531 100%
Daycare Facility Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 18 34.62%
Daycare Facility Assault Offenses - Intimidation 13 25.00%
Daycare Facility Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 10 19.23%
Daycare Facility Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 3 5.77%
Daycare Facility Burglary/Breaking And Entering 3 5.77%
Daycare Facility All Other 5 9.6%
Daycare Facility Total 52 100%
Department/Discount Store Assault Offenses - Intimidation 590 27.33%
Department/Discount Store Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 487 22.56%
Department/Discount Store Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting 320 14.82%
Department/Discount Store Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 279 12.92%
Department/Discount Store Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 167 7.74%
Department/Discount Store All Other 316 14.63%
Department/Discount Store Total 2,159 100%
Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal Terminal Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 20 36.36%
Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal Terminal Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 10 18.18%
Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal Terminal Assault Offenses - Intimidation 10 18.18%
Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal Terminal Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 7 12.73%
Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal Terminal Robbery 5 9.09%
Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal Terminal All Other 3 5.45%
Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal Terminal Total 55 100%
Drug Store/Doctors Office/Hospital Assault Offenses - Intimidation 881 41.54%
Drug Store/Doctors Office/Hospital Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 556 26.21%
Drug Store/Doctors Office/Hospital Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 399 18.81%
Drug Store/Doctors Office/Hospital Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 147 6.93%
Drug Store/Doctors Office/Hospital Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting 22 1.04%
Drug Store/Doctors Office/Hospital All Other 116 5.46%
Drug Store/Doctors Office/Hospital Total 2,121 100%
Farm Facility Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 9 23.08%
Farm Facility Burglary/Breaking And Entering 7 17.95%
Farm Facility Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 6 15.38%
Farm Facility Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 5 12.82%
Farm Facility Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 4 10.26%
Farm Facility All Other 8 20.5%
Farm Facility Total 39 100%
Field/Woods Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 667 29.76%
Field/Woods Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 530 23.65%
Field/Woods Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 447 19.95%
Field/Woods Assault Offenses - Intimidation 302 13.48%
Field/Woods Robbery 118 5.27%
Field/Woods All Other 177 7.88%
Field/Woods Total 2,241 100%
Gambling Facility/Casino/Race Track Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 33 41.77%
Gambling Facility/Casino/Race Track Assault Offenses - Intimidation 12 15.19%
Gambling Facility/Casino/Race Track Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 8 10.13%
Gambling Facility/Casino/Race Track Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 8 10.13%
Gambling Facility/Casino/Race Track Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 4 5.06%
Gambling Facility/Casino/Race Track All Other 14 17.74%
Gambling Facility/Casino/Race Track Total 79 100%
Government/Public Building Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 1,426 37.68%
Government/Public Building Assault Offenses - Intimidation 1,383 36.54%
Government/Public Building Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 581 15.35%
Government/Public Building Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 195 5.15%
Government/Public Building Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 36 0.95%
Government/Public Building All Other 164 4.34%
Government/Public Building Total 3,785 100%
Grocery/Supermarket Assault Offenses - Intimidation 702 30.19%
Grocery/Supermarket Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 619 26.62%
Grocery/Supermarket Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 329 14.15%
Grocery/Supermarket Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 246 10.58%
Grocery/Supermarket Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting 199 8.56%
Grocery/Supermarket All Other 230 9.87%
Grocery/Supermarket Total 2,325 100%
Highway/Road/Alley/Street/Sidewalk Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 13,746 29.24%
Highway/Road/Alley/Street/Sidewalk Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 10,788 22.95%
Highway/Road/Alley/Street/Sidewalk Assault Offenses - Intimidation 10,312 21.94%
Highway/Road/Alley/Street/Sidewalk Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 7,701 16.38%
Highway/Road/Alley/Street/Sidewalk Robbery 2,241 4.77%
Highway/Road/Alley/Street/Sidewalk All Other 2,218 4.69%
Highway/Road/Alley/Street/Sidewalk Total 47,006 100%
Hotel/Motel/Etc. Assault Offenses - Intimidation 541 31.13%
Hotel/Motel/Etc. Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 495 28.48%
Hotel/Motel/Etc. Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 256 14.73%
Hotel/Motel/Etc. Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 242 13.92%
Hotel/Motel/Etc. Robbery 31 1.78%
Hotel/Motel/Etc. All Other 173 9.99%
Hotel/Motel/Etc. Total 1,738 100%
Industrial Site Assault Offenses - Intimidation 58 37.42%
Industrial Site Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 41 26.45%
Industrial Site Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 18 11.61%
Industrial Site Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 13 8.39%
Industrial Site Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 9 5.81%
Industrial Site All Other 16 10.35%
Industrial Site Total 155 100%
Jail/Prison/Penitentiary/Corrections Facility Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 978 52.64%
Jail/Prison/Penitentiary/Corrections Facility Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 396 21.31%
Jail/Prison/Penitentiary/Corrections Facility Assault Offenses - Intimidation 344 18.51%
Jail/Prison/Penitentiary/Corrections Facility Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 51 2.74%
Jail/Prison/Penitentiary/Corrections Facility Drug/Narcotic Offenses - Drug/Narcotic Violations 23 1.24%
Jail/Prison/Penitentiary/Corrections Facility All Other 66 3.52%
Jail/Prison/Penitentiary/Corrections Facility Total 1,858 100%
Lake/Waterway/Beach Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 136 31.19%
Lake/Waterway/Beach Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 104 23.85%
Lake/Waterway/Beach Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 87 19.95%
Lake/Waterway/Beach Assault Offenses - Intimidation 65 14.91%
Lake/Waterway/Beach Robbery 17 3.90%
Lake/Waterway/Beach All Other 27 6.21%
Lake/Waterway/Beach Total 436 100%
Liquor Store Assault Offenses - Intimidation 174 35.37%
Liquor Store Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 112 22.76%
Liquor Store Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 93 18.90%
Liquor Store Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 55 11.18%
Liquor Store Robbery 17 3.46%
Liquor Store All Other 41 8.33%
Liquor Store Total 492 100%
Military Installation Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 2 33.33%
Military Installation Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 1 16.67%
Military Installation Human Trafficking - Involuntary Servitude 1 16.67%
Military Installation Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 1 16.67%
Military Installation Murder/Nonnegligent Manslaughter 1 16.67%
Military Installation All Other NA NA%
Military Installation Total 6 100%
Other/Unknown Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 11,530 35.95%
Other/Unknown Assault Offenses - Intimidation 9,923 30.94%
Other/Unknown Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 6,021 18.77%
Other/Unknown Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 2,641 8.23%
Other/Unknown Robbery 593 1.85%
Other/Unknown All Other 1,365 4.27%
Other/Unknown Total 32,073 100%
Park/Playground Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 1,193 50.64%
Park/Playground Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 405 17.19%
Park/Playground Assault Offenses - Intimidation 342 14.52%
Park/Playground Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 282 11.97%
Park/Playground Robbery 66 2.80%
Park/Playground All Other 68 2.86%
Park/Playground Total 2,356 100%
Parking Lot/Drop Lot/Parking Garage Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 4,392 30.52%
Parking Lot/Drop Lot/Parking Garage Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 3,318 23.06%
Parking Lot/Drop Lot/Parking Garage Assault Offenses - Intimidation 2,951 20.51%
Parking Lot/Drop Lot/Parking Garage Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 2,392 16.62%
Parking Lot/Drop Lot/Parking Garage Robbery 345 2.40%
Parking Lot/Drop Lot/Parking Garage All Other 991 6.88%
Parking Lot/Drop Lot/Parking Garage Total 14,389 100%
Rental Storage Facility Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 106 38.41%
Rental Storage Facility Assault Offenses - Intimidation 45 16.30%
Rental Storage Facility Burglary/Breaking And Entering 41 14.86%
Rental Storage Facility Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 25 9.06%
Rental Storage Facility Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 19 6.88%
Rental Storage Facility All Other 40 14.47%
Rental Storage Facility Total 276 100%
Residence/Home Assault Offenses - Intimidation 27,096 36.67%
Residence/Home Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 23,877 32.32%
Residence/Home Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 9,733 13.17%
Residence/Home Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 5,264 7.12%
Residence/Home Burglary/Breaking And Entering 2,470 3.34%
Residence/Home All Other 5,447 7.36%
Residence/Home Total 73,887 100%
Rest Area Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 40 58.82%
Rest Area Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 11 16.18%
Rest Area Assault Offenses - Intimidation 9 13.24%
Rest Area Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 7 10.29%
Rest Area Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 1 1.47%
Rest Area All Other NA NA%
Rest Area Total 68 100%
Restaurant Assault Offenses - Intimidation 1,944 35.87%
Restaurant Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 1,591 29.36%
Restaurant Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 937 17.29%
Restaurant Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 641 11.83%
Restaurant Robbery 58 1.07%
Restaurant All Other 248 4.6%
Restaurant Total 5,419 100%
School - College/University Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 1,238 52.66%
School - College/University Assault Offenses - Intimidation 668 28.41%
School - College/University Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 254 10.80%
School - College/University Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 64 2.72%
School - College/University Burglary/Breaking And Entering 29 1.23%
School - College/University All Other 98 4.16%
School - College/University Total 2,351 100%
School - Elementary/Secondary Assault Offenses - Intimidation 1,814 37.03%
School - Elementary/Secondary Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 1,655 33.78%
School - Elementary/Secondary Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 1,043 21.29%
School - Elementary/Secondary Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 175 3.57%
School - Elementary/Secondary Burglary/Breaking And Entering 44 0.90%
School - Elementary/Secondary All Other 168 3.41%
School - Elementary/Secondary Total 4,899 100%
School/College Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 7,964 45.05%
School/College Assault Offenses - Intimidation 5,287 29.91%
School/College Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 3,182 18.00%
School/College Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 694 3.93%
School/College Burglary/Breaking And Entering 134 0.76%
School/College All Other 418 2.38%
School/College Total 17,679 100%
Service/Gas Station Assault Offenses - Intimidation 803 33.26%
Service/Gas Station Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 610 25.27%
Service/Gas Station Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 400 16.57%
Service/Gas Station Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 257 10.65%
Service/Gas Station Larceny/Theft Offenses - All Other Larceny 106 4.39%
Service/Gas Station All Other 238 9.85%
Service/Gas Station Total 2,414 100%
Shelter - Mission/Homeless Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 105 51.98%
Shelter - Mission/Homeless Assault Offenses - Intimidation 50 24.75%
Shelter - Mission/Homeless Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 31 15.35%
Shelter - Mission/Homeless Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 11 5.45%
Shelter - Mission/Homeless Sex Offenses - Sodomy 1 0.50%
Shelter - Mission/Homeless All Other 4 2%
Shelter - Mission/Homeless Total 202 100%
Shopping Mall Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 92 28.31%
Shopping Mall Assault Offenses - Intimidation 88 27.08%
Shopping Mall Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 73 22.46%
Shopping Mall Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 35 10.77%
Shopping Mall Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting 16 4.92%
Shopping Mall All Other 21 6.49%
Shopping Mall Total 325 100%
Specialty Store (Tv, Fur, Etc.) Assault Offenses - Intimidation 1,116 38.14%
Specialty Store (Tv, Fur, Etc.) Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 945 32.30%
Specialty Store (Tv, Fur, Etc.) Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 419 14.32%
Specialty Store (Tv, Fur, Etc.) Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 141 4.82%
Specialty Store (Tv, Fur, Etc.) Larceny/Theft Offenses - Shoplifting 59 2.02%
Specialty Store (Tv, Fur, Etc.) All Other 246 8.37%
Specialty Store (Tv, Fur, Etc.) Total 2,926 100%
Tribal Lands Assault Offenses - Intimidation 6 22.22%
Tribal Lands Assault Offenses - Simple Assault 6 22.22%
Tribal Lands Assault Offenses - Aggravated Assault 6 22.22%
Tribal Lands Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 5 18.52%
Tribal Lands Undocumented Code 1 3.70%
Tribal Lands All Other 3 11.1%
Tribal Lands Total 27 100%
Undocumented Code Assault Offenses - Intimidation 529 89.66%
Undocumented Code Fraud Offenses - Other 16 2.71%
Undocumented Code Pornography/Obscene Material 8 1.36%
Undocumented Code Fraud Offenses - False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game 8 1.36%
Undocumented Code Extortion/Blackmail 7 1.19%
Undocumented Code All Other 22 3.74%
Undocumented Code Total 590 100%

9.3.5 Number and race of offenders

There are two variables that have information about the people who commit the hate crime: the number of offenders and the race of the offenders. The offender race is recorded as a single value with the race of the group if all are of the same race or it will say a “multi-racial” group if there are offenders of different races. Unfortunately, important information like the age of the offenders, their criminal history, their relationship to the victim, their gender, or whether they are arrested are completely unavailable in this data set. These variables, however, are available in NIBRS data.

As shown in Figure 9.11, the most common racial group is “unknown” since the police do not know the race of the offenders. Next are White offenders at nearly 40% of hate crimes followed by Black offenders at nearly 13% of hate crimes. The remaining racial groups are rare with about 2% of hate crimes being committed by a multi-racial group of offenders and 0.8 % of hate crimes committed by Asian or Pacific Islander offenders and 0.6 % committed by American Indian or Native Alaskan offenders. Only 0.05% of offenders are Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

The race of offenders, as a group, for hate crime incidents, 1991-2023.

Figure 9.10: The race of offenders, as a group, for hate crime incidents, 1991-2023.

When the police do not have any information about the number of offenders (which is common in cases of property crimes such as vandalism but rare in violent crimes), this data considers that to have zero offenders. The zero is just a placeholder that means that the police do not know how many offenders there are, not that they think there were actually no offenders. Figure 9.11 shows the percent of hate crimes from 1991-2023 that have each number of offenders recorded. In the actual data it says the actual number of offenders, with the largest group in the current data going to 99 offenders - in this graph I group 10 or more offenders together for simplicity. I also relabel zero offenders as “Unknown” offenders since that is more accurate. The most common number of offenders per hate crime is one offender, at about 49% of hate crimes from 1991-2023 having only one offender. This drops sharply to 9% of hate crimes having two offenders and continues to drop as the number of offenders increase. However, about a third (36%) of hate crimes have an unknown number of offenders.

The race of offenders, as a group, for hate crime incidents, 1991-2023.

Figure 9.11: The race of offenders, as a group, for hate crime incidents, 1991-2023.

9.3.6 Number of victims

When considering the data itself, hate crime data is very similar to most other data sets. It is just the number of crimes that were reported to the police, though with the additional step of having evidence of bias. But the difference in use is that while in other crimes the victim is usually, well, the victim, in hate crimes the victim may be a much wider group. Consider a burglary: the homeowner is the direct victim, as their property was targeted. However, the crime can also affect their neighbors, who may now feel unsafe in their own homes, as well as the victim’s family, who may worry about their safety.

Hate crimes, however, tend to affect not just the direct victim but also the entire targeted group, or at least a broader community. A swastika painted on a synagogue, for example, impacts not only the synagogue’s congregation but may instill fear in the broader Jewish community. If a swastika, for example, is spray painted on the front door of a synagogue, who is the victim? Directly it would be whomever owns the synagogue building. But it also affects all members of that congregation. And what about members of other synagogues in the city? What about Jewish people in the city who do not go to synagogue? Even though only a single crime occurred - a vandalism - it is very difficult to count how many victims there were. Is a swastika on a synagogue worse if the synagogue has a small congregation versus a large one? What if it is in a city with only one synagogue compared to a city with many? Is it worse to have a large swastika than a small one?

If we are trying to use this data to measure hate against a particular group these are questions we need to answer, but are of course impossible to answer with this data. Remember, all of the FBI data is essentially just abstract contextless numbers in a spreadsheet. This is true for all UCR data but especially so for hate crimes where no two hate crimes are equal. One burglary in City A is about equivalent to one burglary in City B. For hate crimes a single incident may affect far more people in City A than in City B.

In fact, I would argue that this issue is bad enough that we should be extraordinarily cautious when using this data. Just aggregating up the number of incidents is insufficient to measuring either hate or fear. Sure, you can measure the number of hate crimes reported to the police and where the police found adequate evidence to label the crime as bias motivated. But is that really what you want be measuring when using hate crime data?

Nonetheless, this is a book about the data. So let us look at one final variable in this data, the number of victims for each incident. This is not going to be true number of people affected by the crime. It is more the number of direct victims for the incident. Whether that is actually better than just counting incidents is dependent on the context of your question and the hate crimes in question. In Figure 9.12 I show the annual number of anti-Jewish hate crimes reported by all agencies in the country. As may be expected, there are always more victims than incidents though the trends are extremely similar over the entire period of data. This trend is also present for other bias motivations, such as anti-Black hate crimes shown in Figure 9.13.

While this variable is available in the data, I actually think it is best not to use it. I think there is always a danger in being overly precise and, therefore, overly confident about what the data shows. When you use the number of incidents you implicitly allow for each incident to affect multiple people65 and readers understand that. But if you use this variable and say that “this is the number of victims of this crime” you are implicitly closing that door and therefore being too confident about how many victims of a crime there is. This is especially true for readers who are not paying close attention - such as academics reviewing papers or New York Times reporters - since they may think you are measuring the number of victims in a better way than you actually are.

The annual number of anti-Jewish hate crime incidents and victims in the United States, 1991-2023.

Figure 9.12: The annual number of anti-Jewish hate crime incidents and victims in the United States, 1991-2023.

The annual number of anti-Black hate crime incidents and victims in the United States, 1991-2023.

Figure 9.13: The annual number of anti-Black hate crime incidents and victims in the United States, 1991-2023.

  1. The murders of nine Black parishioners in the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015 was reported by the Charleston Police Department, making it even more inconsistent for when the FBI reports hate crime murders.↩︎

  2. For simplicity I am treating these groups as independent though of course some Black people can be Jewish.↩︎

  3. This tables uses only the first offense in an incident so counts are slightly lower than if all crimes in every incident is used.↩︎

  4. In 0.0004% of hate crimes there is no recorded offense. This is not shown in the graph.↩︎

  5. One of the points of hate crimes is to cause fear in more than just the direct victim of the crime.↩︎